For more than 20 years, the BSO has been recording “on-line”. We have been through various systems. The first system we used was the ISDN (ISDN) networks that are still used today in the world of radio.
For a few years we have been using the professional and specific software for online recordings: Source-connect from the company Source-elements ( This software allows any composer from all over the world, without needing to install any program or buy any application, to speak directly with the conductor and the recording technician during the entire recording process.
It is very important for the entire recording process to be able to have quick communication with the client, we do not use any type of chat, but simply direct and spoken communication of the composer (or producer) with the conductor and the recording technician. In this way, the recording process is fluid and any query from the director or technician and any suggestion from the composer can be resolved quickly and easily.
It is also possible to listen to the recording from different locations, with which the composer, the arranger and the mixing engineer can be in their different studios, all at the same time listening to the recording and actively participating in its development. the same way as if they were in the studio.
This type of production has a large number of advantages:
· Reduction of travel-hotel expenses and production times
- Same recording quality as in a face-to-face recording
- Immediate delivery of the recording files with which it is possible to start the mixing process immediately
This software also currently allows you to view the recording room as well as other information of the recording session (measure number of the Protools session for example).
For more information about this service, you can consult other information on our website: